2023. N 2

Sociology of Human-centered Management

Human-oriented management: from empirical research to systematic activities

For many years, enterprise management processes have been taken over only with the priority of improving the products quality, the introduction of a rational management system for production processes, the use of three-shift operation in practice, the intensification of production processes, but also with a response to modern challenges, etc. Management decisions in this case are situational, reflecting the production-time conditionality of the strategy and tactics of enterprise development. As a result, the development of human potential is belated, which leads to a inconsistency between the actions of various professionally-qualification and status groups of personnel, the material losses and the inefficiency of the use of modern equipment and technologies. The article focuses on practice and empirically substantiates the need for attention to a human-oriented management as a special resource for increasing the efficiency of social production.


Social problems of human-oriented management in the conditions of informatization of the Russian society

The article deals with social problems, the impact of informatization of society on the development of a system of human-oriented management of socio-economic processes. Particular attention is paid to increasing information inequality in obtaining and using a variety of information services, mastering digital skills and knowledge resources that negatively affect the effectiveness of human-oriented personnel management.


Human-oriented model of the development of the Russian state pension system: risks of digitalization of the economy

The article presents the results of a study of the impact of new economic and social challenges, mainly related to the process of digitalization of the economy, on the formation of pension rights of citizens. The necessity of adjusting the current system of compulsory pension insurance in Russia and updating the adopted Strategy for the long-term development of the pension system of the Russian Federation is substantiated.


Forms of employment of enterprises employees in crisis situations

The article provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the quantitative and qualitative parameters of employment. Particular attention is paid to determining the motives for choosing forms of employment by representatives of various socio-professional groups: youth, pensioners, the disabled, women with children. The key motives for employment in the format of home work, part-time work, and part-time employment have been identified.


Ethical reflection of digital control and human-oriented management

The article analyzes the ethical aspects of the implementation of digital control in the workplace in the context of human-oriented management. It is concluded that in the conditions of digitalization, the integration of such management can have negative consequences, which requires the value model for the control systems examination.


About management as a type of management in the conditions of the new Russian normality

How we know this type of management in a today's inconsistent sociality, the meaning and content of which changes on the eyes of contemporaries? Is management still a symbol and even a flag, and showing superiority, and advantage above all other types of organizational-economic administration as what we have considered it in not so long gone 1990? This and others, related with this type of management, questions are considering in this article concerning a role and value of management as itself, and management as one of kinds of modern administrative action.


The problem of innovative development: sociological analysis

The article deals with the problem of implementing the goals and objectives of the innovative development of the economy as a national priority, and analyzes the indicators of innovative activities of organizations and enterprises over the past 10 years. Particular attention is paid to the problem of qualification imbalance, which is a significant constraint on achieving the set goals in the short and long term. A comparative analysis of competency-based models of the innovation economy has been carried out, allowing to overcome the qualification imbalance, and contradictions have been identified that impede the formation of innovative competencies in the system of higher education as a component of the national innovation infrastructure..


Leisure practices and strategies of leisure behavior in a modern urban environment

Abstract. The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical analysis of the modern urban socio-cultural environment, its objective (urban space) and subjective (everyday reality, manifested in the form of standards, images, values and preferences) components. Particular attention is paid to socio-cultural changes in the leisure sphere, the diversity and differentiation of forms and types of leisure, leisure practices and leisure behavior in the urban environment, depending on the socio-cultural status of the city. Based on the analysis of the results of sociological and marketing research, the typologies of the lifestyle of a modern urban dweller in the sphere of consumption and leisure are given, the point of view is expressed that differentiation by life styles (so-called "style individualization") in Russian society has the character of "prestigious behavior", positioning of social and life success, which in turn it is connected with the level of material well-being and is an additional criterion of social inequality.


HR-technologies and staff involvement in the work

The article theoretically and empirically studies domestic and foreign experience in the use of HR technologies in order to increase the involvement of employees in work. It investigates main factors influencing the increase in staff involvement, the distinctive features of increased involvement and the socio-economic consequences of reducing the involvement of employees in their work. To consider the possibilities of studying involvement and changing its level, an analysis of existing scientific measurement methods was carried out. The features of cross-functional interaction and digitalization of the workflow are revealed as the most important factors in increasing the involvement of staff.


Sociology of Labor Migration

Modern problems of labor migration on the territory of the CIS member states

This paper is aimed to introduce the discussion of mi-gration processes that is presented in a special thematic block of the "Telescope" journal. The paper also pre-sents the key topics and conclusions of the conference "Regulation of international migration processes on the territory of the CIS member States", held on March 15, 2023 within the framework of the VII St. Petersburg International Labor Forum.


Migration discourse: collision of polar viewpoints

The article discusses the problem of the colli-sion of right and left discourse in the study of migration processes in foreign countries. The analysis demonstrates the important role of the context, that is, the events taking place in the world and shaping the development of the right discourse. At the same time, re-searchers are actively promoting left discourse in the university environment, based on the ideas of global inequality and infringement of human rights. The hy-perbolization of migration-related problems in the first case and their underestimation in the second are weak points of the indicated discourses. A statement is made about the further strengthening of the contradictions between them.


Adaptation and integration of migrants as an important element of migration policy

The migration attractiveness of St. Petersburg, compared to other regions of the Russian Federation that receive migrants, is traditionally one of the highest in Russia. Every year more and more residents from other regions of the Russian Federation and from abroad arrive in St. Petersburg. In this regard, the issues of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign citizens are relevant today. The general goal of the Strategy for the Social and Economic Development of St. Petersburg for the period up to 2035 is to ensure a stable improvement in the quality of life of citizens and increase the global competitiveness of St. Petersburg based on the implementation of national development priorities, ensuring sustainable economic growth and using the results of innovative and technological activities. According to the Strategy, the main favorable factors contributing to an increase in the level of public harmony and security in St. Petersburg can be: an increase in the level of interethnic harmony and the quality of communications between people of different nationalities and religions, including those arriving in St. Petersburg for work purposes from other regions of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.


Expected difficulties of labor migrants as obstacles to their socio-cultural adaptation

The low level of social and cultural adaptation of labor migrants has a systemic negative impact on various spheres of society. The purpose of this article is to analyze the views of foreign citizens arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of carrying out labor activities, as well as to consider current practices of sociocultural adaptation of labor migrants to changing living and working conditions for them, used in domestic practice.


On the problem of protecting the rights of foreign citizens engaged in labor activity

The paper deals with issues related to the protection of the rights of foreign citizens engaged in labor activity in modern conditions. The author conducted an analysis of law enforcement practice, during which the main problematic issues of labor disputes involving a foreign element were identified, which formed the basis of court cases. The article focuses on the fact that one of the significant institutions of a democratic society should be the institution of the Commissioner for Migration, which would be introduced to assist in ensuring the rights of a foreign citizen employee and would act as a guarantor of the protection of workers' rights, at the same time strengthening the rule of law in this area. The author also proposes, in order to protect the rights, to actively involve non-governmental structures for the prevention of violations of the rights of migrants by informing newly arrived citizens through compatriots. In the course of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion about the need for further improvement of legislation in the field of protection of the rights of foreign citizens engaged in labor activity.


International labor migration in a “comfortable” labor market in Russia

The article characterizes the modern features of the “comfortable” labor market and the impact of international labor migration on the development of this market. The author’s interpretation of the concept of a "comfortable" labor market is provided. Special attention is paid to the influence of the demographic crisis on Russian labor market. At the end of the article, proposals for the development of a more effective migration policy in Russia are given.


What makes online migrant groups communities? A view from Randall Collins’ “Radical microsociology”

At the age of transnationalism, social networks and messengers enable to create groups that assemble migrants with similar interests and practices. These groups may and may not imply shared myth of common origin (B. Anderson), or living in a common territory (R. Park). What makes these online groups communities? And why do not they break up? This paper is organized as theoretical consideration of these two questions. Interaction ritual chains theory developed R. Collins explains reproduction of communities in terms of group symbols and accumulation of emotional energy during everyday interactions.


School for young researchers

Social technologies for the prevention of professional burnout of tax inspection employees

The article discusses the issues of prevention of professional burnout of employees of the tax inspectorate, as well as the main scientific technologies for solving this problem. The influence of burnout on the occurrence of the main symptoms and factors of burnout, as well as social technologies for the prevention of this phenomenon, is analyzed.


Stability of the main factors affecting the applicant's choice of higher education institution

The image of a higher education organization is a sus-tainable long-term element created on the principles of "designing the future" - on the principles of interactive planning. The importance of assessing the motivation factors of one of the main groups of consumers (trans-lators) of the image - applicants and their parents - is obvious. The article made an attempt to prove suffi-cient stability in time of motivational preferences of applicants, its low regional specificity, which allows us to talk about the possibility of long-term strategic plan-ning of image development.


Value orientations of modern youth and their role in the formation of youth policy in the Russian Federation

The article examined domestic theories that describe the value consciousness of young people, the features of the formation of value orientations of young people. Also, an analysis was made of the value orientations of modern Russian youth and their role in shaping the youth policy of the Russian Federation. Directions for improving social policy were considered, taking into account the value orientations of young people, an assessment was made of their importance for building a reliable and bright future.


About the need to move from corporate social responsibility to the ESG concept

The article is devoted to the analysis and comparison of two existing concepts of corporate, social and environmental responsibility within the main activity of organizations. The article provides a brief historical background on the introduction of corporate social responsibility by companies and the emergence of its modern counterpart — the ESG concept. The author indicates the basic principles of each of the two concepts, their similarities, and differences. The result of the study is to bring the disadvantages of CSR and ESG aspects that can compensate for them when implementing modern principles in the company's activities.


The impact of the social policy of an IT organization on the social well-being of employees

The article discusses the differences in approaches to the definition of the terms «social well-being», «social mood», «subjective well-being». The main components and indicators used in the study of social well-being and subjective well-being in the context of corporate governance are considered. An empirical study of the impact of internal corporate policy on the social well-being of employees of an IT organization has been conducted.


Managing the social prestige of science and higher education: example of the USSR

The article describes technologies for increasing the social prestige of science and higher education. The descriptive framework of the study developed by the author includes consideration of three socio-technological directions: economic, administrative, and symbolic, and is used for a retrospective analysis of the policy of the Soviet state in the field of science and higher education. The methodological basis is the socio-technological and historical approaches.


A study of the satisfaction of citizens of St. Petersburg with the level of development of a comfortable urban environment

The article discusses the directions of development of a comfortable urban environment. The connection be-tween a comfortable urban environment and the digi-talization of the urban environment is revealed. The results of a survey of St. Petersburg youth to identify the level of satisfaction with the use of digital technolo-gies developed to improve level of the comfortable ur-ban environment are presented. The most used digital technologies are identified, comments on these digital technologies are analyzed.


Motivating people to get higher education

Currently, more and more attention is paid to personal motivation, especially in the field of education. As a result, the authors of the article aim to identify and analyze both the general hierarchy of motives for high-er education and the factors influencing the level of motivation based on an empirical study conducted among young people aged 17 to 25 years. The result of the analysis is the presented conclusions based on the collected data.


The influence of gender stereotypes in the media space on people's perception of gender

The article is devoted to the consideration of gender stereotypes that are present in the media space. The negative impact of these stereotypes on the formation of people's ideas about gender, their gender roles in so-ciety and the possibilities of realizing their abilities is considered. Possible ways of solving the problem of gender stereotypes are presented, recommendations are given and conclusions are drawn on this topic, based on the study.


The main problems of youth entrepreneurship in modern Russia

It is worth noting the special role of youth entrepreneurship in the functioning and development of the modern Russian economy. Given the range of problems, urgent and intensive development of domestic business is necessary. Understanding the attitude of young people to modern Russian business will help to understand the prospects for the development of the domestic economy in the short and long term. Particular attention in this article will be paid to the perception of Russian youth about entrepreneurship, the possible risks and contradictions that accompany it, as well as to the definition of young people's self-assessment in terms of entrepreneurial ability.