Influence of socio-psychological determinants on the professional role behavior of sergeants undergoing military service under contract

The article presents the features of professional role behavior of contract sergeants, reveals the main aspects that affect the effectiveness of activities and psychological conditions that contribute to the improvement of professional activities of this category of military personnel. it is emphasized that the professional performance of the role depends on the understanding of the specifics of the role, needs, motivation, orientation, self-esteem and consciousness, adaptability of the individual, communication skills, etc.

For citation: Morozov А., Nebrodovskaya-Mazur E., Matveeva I. Influence of socio-psychological determinants on the professional role behavior of sergeants undergoing military service under contract. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2021. N. 1. P. 29-37. DOI:10.51692/1994-3776_2021_1_29

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