The process of upbringing youth in the conditions of modern social transformations

he first two decades of the development of social relations in Russia revealed the essentially contradictory problems of the education of young people. Family, school, social institutions that do not take into account the fact that young people, primarily a subject of social relations, use the established stereotypes of upbringing, and in recent years they present the upbringing process as some kind of service. At the same time, the most important factors of influence on the external environment of young people, their value orientations and preferences are not taken into account. In the absence of a state ideology of social development, there is an increase in consumer communication, lack of spirituality, loss of interest in work, lack of trust in the implementation of social practices. Taking into account the fact that young people are an important factor in socio-political, production, economic and social transformations in society, it becomes obvious that a more detailed approach to the formation of youth policy is needed to realize that its discreteness and abstraction from the development of social relations can lead to them. Stagnation and unavoidable consequences.

For citation: Mikhailov S. The process of upbringing youth in the conditions of modern social transformations. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2021. N. 2. P. 60-65. DOI:10.51692/1994-3776_2021_2_60

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