These days, the paradox of choice is becoming more common. Initially, this was traced mainly in the commercial field. The development of production led to the fact that consumers, having more choice, did not become more satisfied. As for dating apps, more than 300 million people use such services every month. But does the abundance of alternatives really make users happier? It is safe to say that the question of the paradox of choice on dating apps is quite relevant in the modern world.
Keywords the paradox of choice, the illusion of choice, the theory of the dual process of thinking, the excess of choice, dating, dating apps.
For citation: Kupenko V. The paradox of choice on the example of studying a dating app. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2022. N. 3. P. 161-167. DOI:10.24412/1994-3776-2022-3-161-167