This article substantiates the relevance of the problem of social cruelty. The authors theoretically described the causes of cruelty and its forms, the essence of the phenomenon of social cruelty, various forms of social cruelty, its types and types. The article examines past studies of cruelty and social cruelty as an aspect of M. A. Engelhardt's theory of progress and other works. The authors conducted a study of a part of the population of the Russian Federation on the subject of social cruelty and propensity to it. Based on the data of this study and theory, the authors in the article raised the question of the need for a detailed study of the phenomenon of social cruelty in dynamics, as well as the development of measures to regulate the level of social cruelty of the population. The article describes the results of the study, draws conclusions from the general audience data and examines the factors affecting the degree of social cruelty. The authors of the article propose measures to influence these factors and the degree of social cruelty.
For citation: Kuzikova P.N., Seleznev I.D. Research of modern factors and causes of social cruelty in society. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2023. N. 3. P. 122-132. DOI:10.24412/1994-3776-2023-3-122-132